Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

Doctorate Public Health Scholarship in Health Economics

PhD Public Health Scholarship project must involve research on health choices and preferences for medical residents. Successful applicants for PhD scholarship must have demonstrated potential for research that is reflected from the value obtained and the quality of master's thesis. Applicants are expected to have an educational background in economics or related subjects in accordance with the degree cand.oecon Denmark, cand.polit .., Cand.scient.oecon. or cand.merc.

Public Health Scholarship Applications must include a synopsis (maximum 5 pages) describes a research proposal related to the topic area of ​​scholarship.http://www.callforpapersinfo.com
Dialogue with one of the contacts below are possible. Proposals can be further elaborated on during the first three months of the successful applicant will have scholarship.The Health Economics Research Unit in Odense as a workplace and will be expected to participate actively in the activities of non-Danish department is expected to acquire basic knowledge of Danish language, in reading skills in particular, during the first year of the scholarship.
Scholarship Application Deadline: June 15, 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

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